Whitehouse - Live Action 97 review by " " [sic] Goldie,
6th December 2002 - Bilborock, Bilbao, SPAIN
"How can you just use them up and throw them away?"
The venue is grand big shithouse church in fact high ceiling packed beautifully
located spectacular attracted fans but it's majoritively 'neutrals' rare scenario
lengthy pregnant silence miniscus drags mesmerised proselytes under a fucking
relief after the previous slovenly lostalgic flakes squandered perfectly good
resources including time smug complacent steattorrhoea steatosis shh flush sacked
so fucking sacked Whitehouse emerge 'at last' from the priesthole to slit the
fat and dish seething priestcraft scarfegral cess invaginates with a powerful
beginning 'Titpulp' good form linear chiseller Phillip Best pent up peripheral
vision pacing turns to confront with bellicose vocal blocks concise in a livid
petite gauleiter manner thin spiky hair red or pink shirt tucked in trousers
riding high he looks quite swashbuckling William Bennett exhibit skulks hunched
shadowy sporting a 'crappy' thin khaki 'body-warmer' 'cheesy' on a bare torso
sunglasses 'regular' hairstyle centre-parted he'll soon shift gear and gnash
at the precincts the show is immediately fucking compelling energising amusing
a bunch of leads thrown over petulant koala Best standing there lashed composed
draped in black veins enmeshed spitting ululates they have little cans of lager
no mineral water this time spit flies sepulchral both sing with or without microphones
the spectacle of a mouth making words you can't hear is somehow powerful Pasolini
used it in Salo poor "devocalised" vivisected baboons etc insectivorous
mammal Bennett bushbaby Best fuming hating beltbuckle flashing ventriloquist
no security guards sheets of vivid high pitched feedbac deflagrate "Come
on, boy. You're home. Come and face the feast of powder. What's it like to wet
your foot in a cold swimming pool? What does your voice sound like underwater?
Can you do the chlorine gargoyle? Can you do the chickenskin swim? Can you wriggle
like an eel? Wriggle like a fucking eel." Peristaltic reflux Barrymore's
catamite fright night hyper-parasite? anal hymen in 'tatters' smithereens priceless
funny funny slaughter laughter augh ugh ug glug u vivisection "forced swim
test" their moves and tricks 'stagecraft' are hysterical yet the show is
visceral and compelling unflinching when cigarette packets and beakers float
and crunch 'cooly indifferent' to 'spit' bespattering them both complex it's
a laugh complex it's bathetic it's a powerful situation dark exciting soppy
strange to think of what! they've had thrown at them thrown back over twenty
odd years 'burlesque' tasty racy what were you thinking don't abuse your power
yet fragile valid "because I know you'll scream and tell the whole fucking
world...another cup of instant coffee, another plastic spoon, another table
routine. What's so fucking clever about that? You little cunt. You little cunt!"
Bennett orchestrates some crowd participation "ROCK!...AND!...ROLL!"
Left to right Best's beside him "Say it! You fucking wankers." We
love it laughing peers flake rock's rich vocabulary to deconstruct and fuck
back coprophag back into 'english' phlegmatic 'nihilistic' broadsides "another
tube of shitpaste" from rabid Best somehow that mouth was built to bark
and spew 'cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt' until some cunt faints 'personal' waspish
Bennett is pitter-pattering his tongue frothing the saliva vulpine lobotomised
viagra-b-zombie somnambulist auto-intoxicated testosterosa shuffles then makes
a sudden move mantis 'birdspeed' giving a thumbs up sign weevily gyrating or
bumping 'n grinding sargeant rodent officer who laughs Bennett somehow manages
never to laugh they compliment 'eachother' nicely like Derek 'n Clive seemingly
doing the job as discussed having a bleedin' bubble bath and genuinely winding
each other up provoking each other improvising pushing it somewhere new sarcoma
someone's got his cock in a beaker but friends of the band dissuade before a
drop of pre-cum urine is flung "complete condescension...I'll even believe
in what they call human...fantasize the details force the obvious" the
'riff' gets inside my head like a half starved parasite fitting feasting at
last so fucking compelling menacing hysterical forwards backwards combined gets
me in the pit of my stomach power electronics pass current rinse oscillate thrill
they lower it with 'Birdseed' Bennett quietly saying "I'll tell you why
it's the best one yet and then you can look back on it all and say this is the
best thing that ever happened to me and see why you never became what you wanted
to be" over a shrill bird-song like swarf then exits as Best 'solos' with
some! exceptional 'victorious' poses mouthing "YEAHHH!" over a stream
of 'quotes' by rapees etc "you remember what he said what did he say...this
is you...what else was I supposed to do...it flashes on my mind time after time...unspeakable"
recorded off the tele 'triumphant' he must be "hoarse as a fucking butterfly"
rodomontade it's fucking funny? Swarfega'll do for you wee man what does William
get up to in the meantime re-appears ethereal and this final section is the
most powerful 'Princess Disease' bleeds into 'A Cunt Like You' haemorrhages
acceleration shards embed pulse so funky choppers encircle shudder "shake
it fucking shake it baby you'll never be the same again fucking stereotype you
take just like a cunt cunt fucks just like a cunt you ache just like a cunt
you break just like a cunt wrap up pull yourself together you're a fucking mess
he's glancing at that snatch of wizening cleavage you must be fucking joking
cunt even his disgusting half erection is disgusted" somehow they've increased
the pressure thresh pulsulat bass stabs and enclumps catchy they're really concentrating!
on the sound tweaking the samplers juddering signalling to the Father Christmas
sound man anxious re: disgraceful tinnitus 'but' I can't resist removing my
earplugs to feel the full effect anyway 'Bennett' suddenly freaks and charges
a psychotic snap clockwork dolly hysterical Stepford wife automaton high speed
forwards moonwalk-cum-stagger with staccato shriek to whither saucebox 'Best'
chuckling as he sidesteps the oncoming weevily succubus who moments later pounces
from behind and Best slams hard onto his back tortoise beached both? get up
and fling open the sluicegates "so fucking cheap and still you're saying
nothing happened?" some audience dances boy on boy bump 'n grind classic
girl high heeled disco dance boy solitary moshing boy solitary introverted shuffling
back and forth kicking beakers lots of 'thumbs up' 'wanker' 'v-signs' 'fuck
you finger' 'fist' etc "listen to the sound of being alive" apparently
Myra Hindley lured and poisoned the pigeons and was re-located plenum 'Movement
2000' pyroclastic flow quietus no 'antics' both take to their respective lecterns
and twist the samplers heads tilted back degraded sublime steady simple linear
high pitched instrumental engrossing pure headfucking levitating wave so abstract
so musical skeins snare sitic you will empathise "the words that slide
out of their lazy holes are the same as any other road noise noise as sad representation
a safe remove aggrandising desperate resigned and ultimate separation but they're
words I collect words I fuck say it: only words say it: monster"
"So better to just shut your fucking mouth"
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